One thing you’ll notice when you go to read a crochet pattern is thatpunctuation is extremely important. Pay attention to commas vs periods, parentheses vs brackets, and particularly pay attention to any text within a set of asterisks. Let’s break this down further. For these examples we ...
such as a picture afghan. And those blankets are sometimes called a graphghan (graph + afghan). Although there isn’t a formal word for working with blocks of color in crochet, it is very similar to intarsia knitting. Therefore we’ll call the overall technique used in this blockintarsia ...
As a designer of many crochet patterns, I’m often asked how I design my own patterns. The design process is probably different from designer to designer and there’s no one right or wrong way to design. Outlined below is what I do each time I make a new crochet pattern. My process ...
I made myself a sandwich today for lunch, does that make ME a maker? Well, yes actually. A maker is quite simply defined as anyone who undertakes the project to make something and ends up, well, making something. And yet, the folks who make things have now suddenly been ascribed a ...