You’ll need a standard deck of cards and a Cribbage board. The board consists of a series of holes and pegs used to track the score. Here is how you start the game: Deal: Deal each player six cards, with two cards placed facedown in the “crib” – a separate hand that will ...
That’s why every emergency packshould include a compass. It doesn’t have to be an expensive compass or even a high-tech one. It needs to be a compass you can rely on to point you in the right direction. Inexpensive compasses are easy to find; make sure that it’s reliable. Once ...
My CNC. Then, because it is faster than using the CNC to cut each piece, I use my handheld router with the template to form the actual pieces. I also use the CNC on projects that require lots of accurately drilled holes. I like to make cribbage boards, for example, but drilling 121 ...