You will need to make a cone (No. 1 in the picture) for each sugar rose you are making. It is a good idea to start making the cones a day or two ahead. Remember that the cones should be a little bit smaller than the size of the petal cutter you will be using. Stick a toothpi...
Follow along with the video to discover how to make your ideal cone-shaped cover. And after you’ve created it, be sure to post a picture on Facebook or Instagram and tag us or use #Sailrite in the caption. We’d love to see your finished masterpiece. ...
This sweet and slightly salty combination is my current obsession. This type of cheese gets stretchy and chewy but it doesn’t melt away to cloud up the drink. I like to eat a piece of cheese and sip the drink while I chew. It’s a fun activity and, above all, a new way for me...
Cut a narrow rectangle in the middle of one piece of paper. Stick that paper to the outside of the glass so that the slit is at the center. Place the other piece of paper on the floor on the other side of the glass to catch the rainbow. In a pitch dark room, point the flashligh...
Wrapping a samosa can take a little practice but I’ve detailed out the steps below. It’s like origami. If your dough is still like it should be, it’s easier to handle the wrapper. The idea is a to make a cone from the dough. This is then filled with the aloo masala and ...
This tutorial on how to make a granny square shows you how crochet granny squares step by step, including basic crochet stitches.
Step 3Starting at the bottom, press in 1 cereal piece at a time at a slight angle pointing upward. Repeat moving up the cone in a spiral until completely covered. Step 4Dust pine cones with confectioners’ sugar to look like snow. PHOTO: BRYAN GARDNER; FOOD STYLING: MAKINZE GORE LIKE ...
How to Make a Pinecone Wreath Step 1: Glue medium pinecones to inner wires Step 2: Glue large pine cones to the outer wires Step 3: Glue small pine cones to the middle Step 5: Add fairy lights More Christmas Crafts DIY Pine Cone Wreath Variations ...
the tricky part: cutting the tip off the cone. You want to cut a miniscule piece off the tip. Then test it on a napkin or paper plate. If the opening needs to be bigger, cut off another teenyweeny piece. If you cut off too much, you will have to start over with a new cone. ...
让我们尝试用松果预报天气吧!Do you know how to use a pine cone(松果) to make a weather report? Let's try. It will be fun.. First, I'm going to prepare a 1. pine cone , a piece STEP 1of paper, a 2. _ pencil and some Plasticine(橡泥).. Then, I am 3. going to put the...