Make them stop spreading false information about the video series. Way less toxic fans. Don't make them all hate Pokémon and try to start wars with the Pokémon fandom. Get rid of all the Rule 34 pictures and bad fanfictions. Get rid of the pointless cr
In fiction, our characters have to make bold choices to move the plot forward. If you've ever struggled as a writer to make your characters take strong action or to make their journey believable, you may be struggling with your character's motivation. Let's look at why you need to under...
Why does the character act (or fail to act)? If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice, as the old saying goes. Why does your character make those choices? Are they ethical choices? Made under duress? What makes them do that? Their motivation. Actions What do they ...
That’s the key to a compelling character. You can make them do the most heinous or generous things, as long as the actions are properly motivated. With proper motivation, a character can do nearly anything and the reader will be captivated because they can empathize, even put themselves in...
What would be needed to make this act evil is, for example, the presence of an intention to kill the pedestrian for fun. However, there is no reason why Kantians couldn’t include a consideration of other relevant factors, such as the perpetrator’s general policies (or maxims), ...
He’s what we call around here an Evil Chef Robot. And he’s just one of several marketing-type enemies that could hurt your solo business. Let’s take a look-see, shall we? How to Spot Them These buggers tend to catch your eye every time you get that feeling of overwhelm over h...
I am a mother of three and grandmother to 11. I stayed with their father for more than 20 years believing that somehow I could make him feel loved enough to change. Over time, each of my children has drawn close to me for healing, and pulled away for the same reason. I am, after...
To make your character truly memorable, you’ll want to consider adding both these types of mannerisms to their behavioral repertoire. Anger shouldn’t look the same on everyone: someone might flare up like an inferno, going red in the face, while others turn icily polite, smiling insincerely...
To make this adjustment easier, sophisticated Steadicams are outfitted with radio-controlled motors that move the various components by minute increments. This makes it easier to balance the sled when the cameraman is getting ready for a shot, but it also allows the cameraman to make adjustments...
Often, the struggles the character went through in the past go some way to explaining their negative character traits now, or at least make us empathize with them a little. For example, the relentless bullying Severus Snape went through makes us understand his later hostility towards Harry. ...