A Side-by-Side Boxplot in R: How to Do It – Data Science Tutorials Let’s install the remotes packages first, install.packages("remotes") Now we can install ggsankey package remotes::install_github("davidsjoberg/ggsankey") library(ggsankey) Load Data We can make use of mtcars data set...
How to Add a caption to ggplot2 Plots in R? (datasciencetut.com) With the previously displayed R code, we produced a scatterplot, a barplot, and a boxplot of the iris flower data set, as seen in Figures 1, 2, and 3. Example 1: Create ggplot2 plots from scratch using the patchwo...
Here is a step by step process to install R on Mac: Step 1)Anaconda uses theterminalto install libraries. The terminal is a quick way to install libraries. We need to be sure to point the installation toward the right path. In our case, we set the location of Anaconda to theUsers/US...
Add manually p-values to a ggplot: stat_pvalue_manual() [in ggpubr package] This function can be used to add manually p-values to a ggplot, such as box blots, dot plots, stripcharts, line plots and bar plots. Frequently asked questions are available on Datanovia ggpubr FAQ...
We’ll use the pipe-friendly t_test() function [rstatix package], a wrapper around the R base function t.test(). The results can be easily added to a plot using the ggpubr R package. stat.test <- genderweight %>% t_test(weight ~ group) %>% add_significance...
Here, the first line in the code messes up the margins for the graphing function, resulting in this error message when you useplot()and other graphing functions to make a boxplot, histogram, or other high resolution figure plot function. ...
Scale the circles to make the the chart more readable, and use thefgandbgarguments to change colors. Now we’re getting somewhere. By the way, you can make a chart with other shapes too withsymbols(). You can make squares, rectangles, thermometers, boxplots, and stars. They take differe...
Draw boxplots illustrating the distributions by group (with theboxplot()function or thanks to the{esquisse}R Studio addinif I wanted to use the{ggplot2}package) Perform a t-test or an ANOVA depending on the number of groups to compare (with thet.test()and...
On the one hand, when going from walking to standing, the power in the loco- motion band decreases, hence increasing the ratio of the FI. On the other hand, normal gait events might increase the power in the freezing band, hence increasing the ratio of the FI. As a second research ...
Why reprex? Getting unstuck is hard. Your first step here is usually to create a reprex, or reproducible example. The goal of a reprex is to package your code, and information about your problem so that others can run it…