I need to renew/refill my prescription. 我需要更新/补充我的处方 Do you think the doctor could squeeze us in today? 今天能预约上我和医生见面吗? I need to make an appointment for my husband. 我给我的丈夫预约 My child needs to come in for a check-up. 我需要给我的孩子做个检查。 The ...
How to make an appointment HowtoMakeanAppointment Introduction 在做某事之前提前与人预约已经成为现代文明的基本标志之一。随着社会生活节奏加快,人们对特定的时间都会有特定的安排,因此不提前预约,很有可能会吃闭门羹(meetwitharebuff)。但是,不同事情的预约方式也不一样,其中我们尤其需要注意正式与非正式预约。...
changingorcanceling■CouldweputitofftonextMonday?■Couldwemeetatthreeinsteadofeighttomorrowafternoon?■Canwemakeitalittlelater?■I’mafraidwe’llhavetochangeourappointment.A:Doyouwanttogoshoppingwithme?B:That'sagoodidea.Whattimeisgood foryou?A:HowaboutSaturdaymorning?B:Soundsgood.A:Whatdoyouplantodoon...
How to make an appointment_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。How to make an appointment L:Hey, Josie. J:Hi ,Leslie. L:Are you doing anything over the weekend? J: How to make an appointment L:Hey, Josie. J:Hi ,Leslie. L:Are you doing anything over the weekend? J:Not yet. L:So would...
howtomakeanappointment如 何用英语约会 ★AreyoufreenextFriday? ★Areyoubusythisevening? ★What’syourschedulelike? ★Whenareyoufree? ★MayIaskyouout? ★Doyouhaveplanstonight? ★I’dliketoinviteyoutoaconcert. ★Wouldyouliketogotothemovieswith me? ★Wouldyoulikegrababitewithme? ★Doyoufeellikegoing...
Discover the fastest way to get help at the Genius Bar here. Use the Apple Support and Apple Store apps to schedule your next appointment at the Apple Store.
changingorcanceling■CouldweputitofftonextMonday?■Couldwemeetatthreeinsteadofeighttomorrowafternoon?■Canwemakeitalittlelater?■I’mafraidwe’llhavetochangeourappointment.A:Doyouwanttogoshoppingwithme?B:That'sagoodidea.Whattimeisgood foryou?A:HowaboutSaturdaymorning?B:Soundsgood.A:Whatdoyouplantodoon...
HowtoMakeanAppointmentwithaDoctor Itisusuallynecessarytomakeanappointmentwithadoctor.Youshouldcall assooninadvanceaspossible.看医生的时候通常都需要预约。一般来说,应该尽早事 先打电话预约。 A:I'dliketomakeanappointmentwithProfessorSmith.Would9:00tomorrow morningbeallright?我想和史密斯先生教授约个会面时间,...
How to make an appointment L:Hey, Josie. J:Hi ,Leslie. L:Are you doing anything over the weekend? J:Not yet. L:So would you like to hang out with me? J:It’s too cold outside, I just want to stay at home . L:Oh, come on. Don’t always stay at room. Um…Let me ...
cancel the appointment 取消预约 Sentence Patterns What can I do for you?需要我帮忙吗? I'd like to make an appointment to see the doctor this week. 我想本周约见大夫。 I'm afraid he is fully booked on Monday and Tuesday. 恐怕他周一,周二已经预定满了。 Is Dr. Johnson available on Saturda...