Hi and Welcome to AutoCAD Forum, >> How to change 3D cursor to 2D in AutoCAD >> Can anyone guide me on what is the procedure for changing the cursor type Your question is about the CAD cursor and the accepted answer about FLATSHOT command !!! there is some thing wrong here , i ...
include details and measurements that illustrate how to build or design a structure or object. Blueprints were originally negative reproductions of hand-drawn plans that show up as white lines on blue paper. Today, computer-aided drawing programs likeAutoCADmake blueprint drawing easier and more ...
Users reported that an AutoCAD drawing or some objects within it needed to be flattened, reducing their elevation or Z value to 0. One or more of the following may not be working correctly: Selecting objects. Using OSNAPs (the marker jumps to the wrong p
SO i want to start a 2D file and whenever I open autocad its in 3D I went to workplace and selected drafting and annotation and disabled 3D basics and modeling. I know its in 3D since I can see the view cube and top view is selected. In the top left it says [-]Top[2...
How to reduce the size of a DWG file in AutoCAD. Use the following commands to reduce the size of a DWG file. Detach all unneeded xref files using the XREF command. Select all objects in a drawing and enter the OVERKILL command. This could be needed more
Use the information below to make the most of AutoCAD. Would you believe that it took less than five minutes to produce the image below? An AutoCAD drawing, in less than five minutes! Follow these steps to produce a 2D view from a 3D model: ...
Thought I'd share something that I did a while back which turned out to be a really good move, though it may not be for everyone. The rationale behind this exercise is to make commonly used commands more at the fingertips of the user, and thus... ...
Learn the factors behind the ‘Drawing File is Not Valid’ error message in AutoCAD, how to solve them, and how to avoid such an error in the future.
Also we will be shown a dropdown arrow just below our starting point to change the method from Fit to CV and vice-versa. By using Fit method we can control the points we used to make smooth curve by stretching them, removing them etc... Now we will change the smooth curve method to...
Unable to save a drawing with multiple sheets at once as a single DXF/DWG file 2D Drawing how to export multiple sheets to AutoCAD dwg file at once How to import DXF/DWG that includes multiple paper space into one drawingKnowledge Base Access Log in to: Please log-in to: Read the full...