Database connections:The mysql database is inside Vagrant instance, and can be accessed via SSH to localhost with a private key file, which is also stored in the repository. There are no security issues with sharing private key or passwords in the project files, as this is l...
An API (Application Programming Interface) is a protocol or set of rules that allows various web and mobile applications to communicate and interact with each other. It defines how requests and responses should be structured, enabling developers to access specific features or data from one applicatio...
AEM Forms translation flow. In this case, a single form is maintained and referenced in all the language copies of the Sites pages.Adaptive Forms – Embed(v2)component does not provide access to various features of AEM Sites pages like, versioning, target...
Two methods for providing remote access to encrypted files are Server Message Block (SMB) file shares and WebDAV (Web-Based Distributed Authoring and Versioning). There are a few inherent problems with using SMB file shares. Encrypted files are first decrypted before being delivered over the networ...
To complete the actions presented below, you must have:A Scaleway account logged into the console From your Organization dashboard, click Billing in the top right drop-down menu. The Billing dashboard displays.Click the Payment and billing tab....
As mentioned in the previous section, they can also be consumed on any platform. Simple & Efficient Web services are easy to understand and implement. Most of the time, they don’t even have their own state. Instead, they use a database or utilize another software component. ...
Using AWS Lambda only means you don’t have to launch, scale and maintain EC2 infrastructure to run your code in AWS (which is great). But essentially everything else regarding operations remains the same, just packaged differently. Running an application on AWS Lambda that reliably generates ...
In our work, we faced an interesting situation. The founder of Videonext got in touch because they wanted to shift their website to the cloud. The main hurdle was connecting the website’s back end to keep its features working. Luckily, we overcame this challenge with the help of an AP...
Create this structure in a project folder of your choosing. Within the src/main/java/hello directory, you can create any Java classes you want. To maintain consistency with the rest ...
To create an effective REST API, developers should adhere to specific design principles that govern its architecture. These principles ensure consistency, flexibility, and efficiency in communication between clients and servers 为了创建一个有效的 REST API,开发人员应该遵守管理其架构的特定设计原则。这些原则...