When configuring a new machine, there are many tools you may want to install. For this exercise, I will keep it simple. (The following use my handy“which” function in PowerShellto find locations of commands in the path. If you add “which” to your environment, be sure to close your...
And if you’re (relatively) new, it really pays dividends to learn how to use Google Sheets correctly. This tutorial will help you transition from newbie to ninja in short order! If you’re new to Google Sheets, then I recommend you start from the beginning of this article. However, if...
One macro-level factor to watch among Latinos, though, is enthusiasm. Biden clearly has the edge among the group as a whole, but his campaign has been criticized since the Democratic primary for its lackluster outreach to Hispanic voters. A lack of enthusiasm among Latinos for his candidacy co...
Tutorial Objective: adding two long belt loops to a small to medium gear bag to make it super easy to pull it out of your backpack and carry it safely and comfortably at your side(s) on any walk or hike. We simply call these SIDE BAGS. A– Where to start? First, measure the heigh...
Let’s start with the obvious — it’s hard to expect a party coming off of a big victory to invest its energy in, or rally its supporters around, changes to the rules they just won under. On the other hand, the reforms in H.R. 1 (that Democratic-sponsored House bill to expand ...
Ticks have a unique sensory structure located exclusively on the 1st pairs of legs; the fore-tarsal Haller's organ, not found in any other animals, presumed to function like the insect antennae in chemosensation but morphologically very different. The mechanism of tick chemoreception is unknown. ...
This includes cornerstones, key requirements and practical implications to support enhanced circularity measurement that will be developed in further work, accordingly to circular economy paradigm and industrial reality. Keywords: circular economy; product circularity; measurement; indicators; tools; critical ...