Topic: JavaScript / jQueryPrev|NextAnswer: Use the === OperatorYou can simply use the strict equality operator (===) if you wants to convert a string representing a boolean value, such as, 'true' or 'false' into an intrinsic Boolean type in JavaScript....
Convert String to Lower Case in JavaScript UsingtoLowerCase() Assume we have a string -My Awesome String, and we want to convert it to lower case -my awesome string. We can use the prototype methodtoLowerCase()to lower case it. It creates a new string from the input string but with ...
To convert a string to lowercase in PHP, you can use the strtolower($string) function. The strtolower() function takes a string as a parameter and converts all uppercase English characters to lowercase. To convert non-English characters to lowercase, you can use the mb_strtolower() function...
In the example above, we first converted the given value to a string using the toString() method, then we called a toLowerCase() method on it. Note: The ‘toLowerCase()’ method creates a new string with the values that passes the test condition. ...
ThetoUpperCase()method converts astring to uppercase letterswithout changing the original string. To convert all elements in an array to lowercase, you can use another JavaScript method calledString.toLowerCase()as shown below: constnames=['Ali','Atta','Alex','John'];
The following technique (or similar) is commonly used to reverse a string in JavaScript: // Don’t use this! var naiveReverse = function(string) { return string.split('').reverse().join(''); } In fact, all the answers posted so far are a variation of this pattern. However, there...
Learn how to convert a string to a number using JavaScriptJavaScript provides various ways to convert a string value into a number.Best: use the Number objectThe best one in my opinion is to use the Number object, in a non-constructor context (without the new keyword):...
return the title case string. functiontitleCase(str){str=str.toLowerCase().split(' ');letfinal=[];for(letwordofstr){final.push(word.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+word.slice(1));}returnfinal.join(' ')}titleCase('this is a title case string');//"This Is A Title Case String" ...
To reverse the String in TypeScript - This tutorial demonstrates multiple ways to reverse a string in TypeScript. At first, reversing the string problem looks easy, but what if someone asks you to explain the different approaches to reversing a string in
vartext='Is not it weird to live in a world like this? It is a 42';varwords=text.toLowerCase();varokay=words.split(/\W+/).filter(function(token){returntoken.length==2;});console.log(okay); Output: So, thetextstring is converted to lowercase, and then thesplit()method completes...