To avoid your own personal sugargeddon and to be able to eat whatever you want without having to do exercise to burn off its sugar, please read this article, do as much of the protocol as you can manage and let us know how you did. The cure has had a 100% success rate for people...
Another crucial element in a treatment program for diabetes is exercise. With either type of diabetes, check with your doctor before starting an exercise program. Exercise improves your body's use of insulin and may lower blood sugar levels. To prevent your blood sugar from falling to dangerously...
Place water to about half way up the height of your glass container in a small saucepan. Bring the water to a boil, then lower to simmer. Simmer for 30 minutes, occasionally turning the tea bag and pressing with the back of a spoon. After 30 minutes, allow the oil to come to room ...
We looked at the causes of a leakyblood-brain barrier.And how to fix it. We also discovered that if you’ve got aleaky gut, chances are yourbrain is leakytoo. If you fix one, you’ll make great strides in fixing the other.
Most interesting, the mainstay prescription medication to lower HbA1c, metformin, has recently been shown to increase lifespan in lab animals. Next week and in the weeks to come, more about longevity medicine, lifestyle changes, supplements, prescription meds, and infusion therapies. Be well, ...
As a result, our incredible bodies make physiological adaptations that allow us to survive for longer amounts of time without food. One such adaptation is the ability to formketones. Benefits Of Famine The physiological changes that occur in your body during fasting improve what I refer to as ...
I did reverse my HBA1C from high to much lower and lose weight via ozempic although I don’t use it now. Berating people for trying to not be diabetic and stop being obese is not the same as people in Hollywood using it to be thinner than they already are. The market in the U.K...
I had to be hospitalized while on vacation in Phoenix with an A1C of 11% and had to start taking 2 types of insulin and 2 other meds. I read the Fatburn Fix in April, and followed the program to a tee, and I’m down by 15 pounds, 6.8 A1C, and only one once weekly diabetes ...
6-8 am Energy Slump On Waking: You struggle to drag yourself out of bed and can’t get going without a strong coffee or two (or three). 9.30-11am: Energy Low:Your body still feels like you’ve got no gas in the tank. 12-2pm: Energy Rise:After lunch, you fi...
CGMs are convenient, alert you when your glucose levels fall outside your target range, and can help to lower A1C levels. CGMs make it easier to manage diabetes without finger pricks. These systems use a small sensor, inserted under the skin, to automatically test and record your glucose ...