Hashimoto’s disease, also known as Hashimoto's thyroiditis or chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, is a condition in which your body’s immune system begins to attack your thyroid, the butterfly-shaped gland at the base of your neck. This can cause your thyroid to become inflamed and damaged, lea...
She started with having elevated TPO antibodies and saw that her nodule had consistently increased in size with every subsequent ultrasound scan. Deciding to take her health into her own hands, she removed gluten and dairy (two common food sensitivities in those with Hashimoto’s) from her diet...
For this reason, it’s important to have afull thyroid paneldone, which includes not only TSH and T4, but also T3, and the two most common Hashimoto’s antibodies, TPO and TG antibodies (when they are elevated, they indicate an autoimmune process within the thyroid gland, and their level...
I have spent the last few years healing and my TPO antibodies have gone down from over 600 to 100. My energy is back and I don’t even think about napping. I am able to exercise appropriately without feeling run down. I am not as thin as I was when I was doing a low fat diet ...
One of the nutrients that people with Hashimoto’s are particularly prone to being deficient in is Vitamin B12. Learn How B12 deficiency affects Hashimoto's.
spore-based probiotics can reduce SIBO and increase gut diversity by boosting the growth of other beneficial flora. Clients and colleagues with Hashimoto’s have reported the following after using MegaSporeBiotics for 30 to 90 days: a reduction in thyroid antibodies, an improved mood, less pain,...