Did you know that when lenders look at your finances to approve you for a loan, they only look at your income vs. your debts? They don’t take into consideration the other things you need to afford. Things like homeowner association fees (HOA) fees, savings for an emergency fund, ...
Prospective buyers should also ask about HOA fees. You’ll want to make sure the HOA charges are high enough to cover related expenses. If they aren’t, property maintenance could be deferred, putting your investment at risk. Find Out Whether You Can Rent Short-Term If you buy a ...
January 29, 2025 The Hurdle Episode 1 | Is Growth Always Good? Christa Carter October 18, 2024 How to Sell Financial Advising Services to Accounting Clients LivePlan Team January 14, 2025 The Hurdle Episode 3 | Built This With $11K!
1. Questions to ask before starting a home-based business2. Identify a business idea that works remotely3. Write a business plan4. Understand the legal requirements5. Figure out your startup costs and finances6. Set up your workspace7. Manage your timeLearn more about what it takes to star...
HOA Fees:If the property is located in a community with a homeowner’s association (HOA), there may be monthly or annual fees for upkeep, amenities, or shared services. Legal and Professional Fees:Expenses related to legal services, accounting, and other professional consultations should be facto...
Be sure to also factor in regularly recurring costs like homeowners insurance, property taxes, HOA fees (if your property is part of an association), utility bills and general upkeep.Preparing to buy a homeOnce you’ve answered the big question — how much money do you need to buy a ...
Check local guidelines or with your HOA to see if there are restrictions for removing your grass How to approach your last mow Set your mower to its lowest setting and feel free toscalp the grass. Cutting your grass as low as possible will speed up the decomposition process and make it ea...
Am I Ready to Buy a House? 9 min read Wondering if you’re ready to buy a house? That’s a smart question to ask before making one of the largest financial decisions of your life. Here are the top things to consider. Ramsey Solutions ...
HOA fees are charged by aHomeowner's Associationto pay for maintenance of public areas, security, and other services that improve the neighborhood. They may also be used to remunerate elected HOA officials and to defray legal costs. How Much Is a PayPal Fee? As of August 2024, PayPal transa...
Count on paying for regular home maintenance, home insurance, HOA fees if they apply, and property taxes. You may have been able to wrap some costs, like property taxes, into your mortgage, but others will be paid in addition to it, so budgeting for these monthly or annual fees is impor...