Are you tempted to believe it’s because of your difficult marriage, because your spouse is not a believer, because you’re still single, because of your parents, or because of another person or circumstance? None of us is immune to those feelings. But could there be another reason and co...
Corinthians 9:6-7we are given the principle that God loves a cheerful giver. So if you are not happy to give 10% you are not biblically required. But again, if you are unsure of what to give, the 10% pattern might be used by the Holy Spirit to give you direction on this question...
But although this is a big accomplishment, your job isn’t done: You also need to write a short author biography — otherwise known as an author bio– so your readers can get to know you. Anauthor bioshares relevant information about your education and experience. This proves your credibilit...
In his timely presentation, Gary A. Anderson provides a biblically based counterpoint to the “romantic love story that contemporary culture offers us [as] one wherein man and woman are united over against all other ties that the world knows.” Such a plot line, he argues, “is not really...
Bob:Yeah. I love that. That’s great. So yeah, one of the things that I think you talk about in the book is why you need to read like your career depends on it. I have some thoughts on this, but I want to hear what you have to say about this. ...
And this comes back and you take this back toThe Parable of the Talents.We are responsible. We are managers for what God has entrusted us with. So this can be anything in our life. This can be our time, or our kids, or our spouse, but it’s also our money. And so we are resp...
Christian, then there is no spiritual substance to that application. A lost man may be able to follow “Ten Rules for Dating Your Wife,” but he will not be able to love his wife as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:22-33). That type of love is impossible for a spiritually dead...
When all this has been done in your search for a Gospel-focused, biblically sound church, if there are any in your community that have passed the contemplative/emerging/seeker-friendly/church-growth/Word of Faith/NAR/new spirituality test, maybe it’s safe to take your family for a Sunday ...
Jordan Raynor: You just got to choose something and commit to doing it masterfully well, because that’s how you glorify God and love your neighbors and yourself. So, in the book, I do offer a practical guide for doing this, for finding and focusing on mastering the work you’re created...
Whether you love Donald Trump or whether you are booking your flight to Canada, there’s no getting around that he has officially beenvoted into the Oval Office. I think everyone was surprised to see him win and that is okay, but now that he has I am curious to explore some of what ...