Requesting a new date to serve on a jury is one of the easiest and fastest ways to postpone jury duty. Most states offer the ability to put off your service at least once per summons. Remember, however, that asking for a different date doesn't get you off the hook entirely;...
Jury Duty casting director Susie Ferris takes us through her casting process that all started as a blank canvas. From the first audition tapes submitted by Susan Berger, Edy Modica, Mekki Leeper and Ron Song to reaching out to James Marsden to join the s
Judges are involved in divorce to apply laws that pertain to the division of assets and care of children. In the majority of cases, they simply look over your divorce papers (settlement agreement) and approve them. Keep your divorce records even after the process is over. These will be ...
“Serving” (i.e., notifying) the defendant means giving them a copy of the filed legal document, plus an additional document called a “summons.” Special rules dictate who can serve the document and how they should serve it, and those rules can vary from place to place. The filing par...
But jury duty is also an essential part of our judicial system. If citizens didn’t give up some of their time to serve on juries, conducting fair trials would be almost impossible. Let’s look for a moment at how juries work. As we learned earlier in the article, the U.S. Supreme...
The defendant is that unlucky fellow who has been served with a summons and complaint, the person who must file some sort of defense or lose by default. How your case is handled from the very start is critical to success for, unlike the plaintiff who may have been planning his lawsuit fo...
But will this actually matter? It's hard to predict, says O'Sullivan, given how many people tend to ignore jury summons altogether. "If you check the statistics, I think you will find that many, many citizens called to jury duty ignore the summons," she says. "Generally, only those wh...
Multiple-choice questions allow a binary decision to be made: certain responses disqualify a participant, while others confirm their desirability. Standard usability screeners (Figure 1-4) are very similar to the screener presented in a summons for jury duty (Figure 1-5). ...
If a person is called to jury duty they need to realize that they are the real "judge" of the case. If the court excuses the jury to make private decisions, that the court doesn't want the jury to hear (exclude evidence from them), then all responsible jurors should simply come back...
In addition to the complaint, the defendant will also be served a summons. The summons explains what the defendant needs to do as a result of the complaint. This whole process is usually referred to as serving the defendant. Sometimes it is difficult to track down the defendant. When this ...