The ICD-10 can often be found on patient reports or bills, but not always. Sometimes you have to look it up yourself, which can be difficult given that there are more than 70,000 codes, each with specific definitions.1If the code is incorrect, the coverage or approval of a test or t...
Z90.722is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes. The 2022 edition of ICD-10-CM Z90. 722 became effective on October 1, 2021. Can 58661 and 58662 be billed together? If a physician removes the ovary on 1 side, but remove...
Understanding the nuances associated with the condition and how to properly assign ICD-10-CM codes is beneficial.Changes to COVID-19 Vaccines Strike AgainDecember 12th, 2023 - Aimee Wilcox According to the FDA, CDC, and other alphabet soup entities, the old COVID-19 vaccines are no longer...
notwithstanding the statistical or numerical components of the results. Once these inductive codes were created, we then used a deductive qualitative approach to coding [49] where we mapped the inductive codes representing
I has Lymes. No really, I do. I’m not even kidding. I believe in humor. After a decade of living with Lyme, I find it all to be so absurd and so crazy, that the best way for me to deal with it anymore is to make fun of it, at myself, the people I encou
The pace of exome and genome sequencing is accelerating, with the identification of many new disease-causing mutations in research settings, and it is likely that whole exome or genome sequencing could have a major impact in the clinical arena in the rel
Providers need to provide comprehensive training and education to not only coding staff but clinicians. Even clinicians should understand the organization’s coding guidelines, documentation requirements, and updates to coding systems (e.g., ICD-10-CM, CPT/HCPCS). This helps ensure tha...
The use of value chain analysis has expanded to industry analysis. Value chain analysis at the industry level allows for a comprehensive look at industries and can be used for strategic technology planning or industry policy-making. Accordingly, there have been previous attempts to identify an ...