Look at many of the large scale data breaches in the news -- the companies often did not discover the data leak or intrusion until long after the bad-actors were gone.Contrary to popular belief, bad-actors don't always want to change something or lock you out of your data for money. ...
You administer Windows 2000 domain controllers that are located in an external forest connected by an NTLM (non-Kerberos) trust. You focus Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-ins against a specific domain controller that is referenced by its IP address. For example, you click Start, click ...
Assuming this breakup was not sudden due to cheating, betrayal, or any kind of abuse; there’s a high probability that your ex has been thinking about this breakup for a while. Maybe the first time this thought came to their mind, they tried to suppress it or ignore it. Maybe they t...
Wake up to the best sports story you'll hear all day. Monday to Friday, we bring you an inside look at the most interesting stories at ESPN, as told by the top reporters and insiders on the planet.
Before you start, backup your files. Never trust a directory you can’t wipe out, and never trust a computer you can’t chuck out the window. So let’s do this! Obscure Login Page With URL Forwarding 3Why You Should Use a Plugin to Obscure Your Site’s Login Page ...
for free. Once you’ve secured a federal tax identification number, you can start to look intobusiness bank accounts for your LLC. You can typically find options through the big banks (i.e., Wells Fargo, Chase, or Bank of America), as well as regional or local banks near you in ...
Running a technical website audit takes more effort than you might think. In this guide to website auditing, we’ll look at what a site audit is and how often it should be performed. You’ll also learn how to analyze a website, check it for various errors using SE Ranking’sWebsite...
For example, consider a site with two pages about a similar topic. If one page is outdated, there’s no need to keep both pages. In the case of having duplicate pages where one is outdated, delete the outdated page and use a 301 redirect to the new page’s URL. ...
'You are on this planet to evolve your soul in your ability to love and to fully manifest the gifts you have been given. This is the soul's journey. Your soul, and everyone's soul, knows this, and if you open and look deep inside, you will remember that this is why you came her...
Several years ago, I took a basic hang-gliding lesson from Kitty Hawk Kites at Jockey's Ridge, NC, which is a large sand dune (80 to 100 ft / 24 to 30 m high). The goal of our lesson was to take off, fly in a straight line down the ridge and land upright. Before the flight...