Linux source/Docker/snap webhook to Discord does not work at all anymore, it did before on Mac sending Wekan Docker outgoing Webhooks does not work, most likely because of Mac networking etc does not work well on Linux sending from source Wekan to source NodeRed works on localhost to loca...
Big thanks to@NicoDfor sharing his source code of Armbian-Gaming. I modified some of his code to be used in Armbian Focal (or any Arm64 distro) and fix the armhf dependencies issue by using the "arm-linux-gnueabihf" Library from TwisterOS. I also used some of B...
The introduction of data privacy laws, emanating from the EU and California, can have a large impact on how businesses manage their users’ personal data, and these laws are applicable to web apps as well. If you store a user’s personally identifiable information without explicitly getting ...