8.In case you want to log out of all the devices in one go, scroll down and click on theLog Out All Known Devicesbutton. Again, you will be asked to enter the password and two-factor authentication code. Once done, you will be logged out of Discord all devices except the one you ...
You can use theloginRoomfunction on yourZegoExpressEnginemodel to log in to a room. You must enter the, a, and an object containing youruser IDanduser name. To receive updates on the current user’s room connection status, you can also pass in an options object with theuserUpdatefield s...
Do u have or do u know any other app in which unless I logout from the clone what’s app it doesn’t disconnect or asks for the qr code? Reply sirisha August 3, 2018 at 12:13 am can u please help me in code of how to send push notifications from ejabberd server to ...