1、登陆到腾达无线路由器的web管理工具:在浏览器输入192.168.0.1--->输入密码,默认是admin,如果你已经修改过登陆密码,则输入你更改后的密码--->点击“确定”。(如果192.168.0.1打不开,请阅读文章:腾达(Tenda)无线路由器192.168.0.1打不开的解决办法) 2、点击“高级设置”,进入到高级设置界面。 3、点击“无线设...
1.在浏览器中输入: 按回车键,在跳转的页面中输入密码 admin 点击“确定”。(如果192.168.0.1打不开,请阅读文章:腾达(Tenda)无线路由器192.168.0.1打不开的解决办法) 2.点击“高级设置” 3.点击“WAN口设置”,选择模式为“DHCP” 4.点击“LAN口设置”,将LAN口地址修改为: ,修改完成后,...
1、电话线上网用户:准备2根网线,一根网线用来连接ADSL Modem(猫)和腾达路由器的WAN口;另外一根网线一头连接在腾达路由器的LAN口(1/2/3/4)中的任意一个接口,另一头连接Windows 7系统的电脑。 2、网线入户用户:只需要准备一根网线,先把宽带运营商接入到你家里的网线插在腾达(Tenda)路由器的WAN口;在把自己准备...
点击“运行状态”——>查看“WAN口状态”,如果显示:已连接,并且获取到了IP地址,就可以正常上网了;如果显示:未连接或者正在连接中,并且IP、网关、DNS等参数全部显示0,请认证检查相关设置步骤。或者阅读文章:Tenda腾达无线路由器设置完成后上不了网 温馨提示:腾达N4路由器完成上网设置、无线WiFi设置后,电脑只需要连接到...
Description: This document will guide you through the process of forwarding or opening a port on your Tenda router. Port forwarding can be used for many different things - one of the most common is running gaming servers. When setting up port forwarding, you need to know what port i...
How to locate the security type and wireless password on a Tenda RouterWhen connecting a new device to a Tenda router the wireless network key is required. This guide will walk through how to find that wireless key on a computer that is already connected to the Tenda router...
1. Connect a computer to the Tenda router and launch a web browser. 2. Visit the following router configuration page: 3. You are prompted to enter a username and password. Enter the following default login credentials: ...
routertendaremote路由器webmanagement W308R-How to manage the router remotely? Product line: Wireless Question category: Function configurations Q:Why do we need to configure the Remote Management? A:Sometimes, if we need to manage router remotely in the office, you can achieve the function by ...
网线一头接电脑,一头接Tenda路由器任何一个LAN扣,连接方式参见下图: 二、查看软件版本 1.在浏览器中输入路由器的管理地址: 按回车键,在跳转的页面中输入密码 admin 点击“确定”。(如果192.168.0.1打不开,请阅读文章:腾达(Tenda)无线路由器192.168.0.1打不开的解决办法) ...
Log into your router, using the LuCi frontend, and go to the Network/Interfaces tab: There you should see your LAN device. Edit it to have an appropriate IP address from your local subnet. Most often your network will be and your existing router will have the IP