The easiest object in the sky to observe with a telescope is the Moon. It's usually up at night, but it's also in the sky during the day during part of the month. It's a great object to photograph as well, and these days, people are even using their smartphone cameras to shoot ...
A tripod, of course, has three legs that can usually be extended to suit the height of the observer, so they’re useful if you’restargazing with your kids. They can also fold inward to allow for easy transportation. The telescope itself will be attached to the tripod by either anequator...
A good moon map is handy to help stargazers locate interesting spots on the moon through a telescope. (Image credit: NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University) I still can remember that very special August night, now more than 50 years ago, when I got my first magnified look at the moon. It...
Kathy Sawyer
Planets photographed at high magnification using a dedicated astronomy camera and telescope. What type of camera do you need? There is no “one-size-fits-all” solution when it comes to planetary astrophotography. Some cameras are better at capturing a dramatic landscape image at dusk with Venus...
Last year a NASA study (pdf) found that a functional starshade could be built and flown as an independent mission to rendezvous with WFIRST for an estimated half billion to a billion dollars. Working in tandem, the starshade and the telescope could snap pictures of perhaps 40 planet...
It’s a common misconception that the magnification or ‘zoom’ is the be-all-end-all measure of a telescope, which is 99% false. But when it comes to taking pictures of planets up-close, it certainly comes in handy. The Early Days ...
Maybe you've been out looking at the stars in the night sky, searching for constellations; or maybe you've already learned your way around the constellations, and now you'd like to take a closer look -- at objects like the moon, planets or stars -- with the aid of a telescope....
However, it should be noted that Starlink satellites are not as visible nowadays compared to when they first started to be deployed back in 2019. This is due to efforts such as the Starlink VisorSat program which aims to darken the satellites so as to not interfere as much with astronomical...
which smell like rotten eggs.And molecules with very different structures can smell similar.Most strikingly, some molecules can smell different — to animals, if not necessarily to humans — simply because they contain different isotopes (atoms that are chemically identical but have a different mass...