"There are those that like to handload and those that have to handload," Sakamoto said. "There are two reasons to handload — to save money and to improve performance." Did you know that nearly two-thirds of the cost of one round of ammunition is in that little brass case that gets...
Shotgun Shell Sizes There are three things to understand about the sizes of shotgun shells: gauge, length, and shot size. Gauge: Gauges are simply how big the shotgun shell is in the sense of either the diameter or the circumference. There's quite a bit of history around this naming co...
Hit suspicious walls with your axe to save ammo.Ration ammo a little. Sometimes Quake is spray and pray, other times it's survival horror. Don't waste shotgun shells / nails on Zombies, they revive unless gibbed with explosives or quad damage. And don't waste grenades / rockets on ...
Obviously, this sort of gun is easier to use than a flintlock or a percussion cap weapon. You can load six shots at a time and you only have to pull the trigger to fire. But you're still fairly limited: You have to pull the trigger for every shot, and you need to reload after ...
Many hunters don't have the patience to acquire a clean shot. There's a lot of waiting, but it pays off in the end when a deer appears on your scope. Persistence is key. Mind Your Scent Animals have heightened senses, and it's a good idea to become as odorless as possible. There...
daylight outside, there could be a target that comes indoors or in an area where it is shaded from the sun. It is better to be safe than sorry so it is always a good idea to equip your shotgun with a flashlight mount. It is lightweight and doesn’t take up much space on your ...
their promotion strategy. While some may have come up with a giveaway in boxes, others went big by having their own cereal connected to the movie or TV show title. Here are vintage cereals that were used to promote some of pop culture's biggest moments (and some you probably forgot ...
4. Bring to a simmer, then add in your broken lasagna noodles. 5. Simmer and stir regularly. This will take between 10 to 20 minutes. It all depends on how small or large your lasagna pieces are and how "done" you want them. ...
The engineer was asleep and the fireman was in the caboose when the train went through your ranch that morning. I didn't have one witness to put on the stand. I bluffed you!" The old rancher replied, "Well, I'll tell you, young feller, I was a little worried about winning that ...
when one of their periodic rebellions erupted, the only real airport closed by mortar shells and machine-gun fire. We caught a westbound twin-engine from a dirt strip and exited through Gabon, absent visas but with surprisingly few problems. An odd quirk to American culture is that we are...