Loan Load Programs of Other Networks: Borrow Load from Globe Borrow Load from Smart Borrow Load form TNT That was the guide onHow to Borrow Load from TM (Utang Load/Promo)and theList of TM Borrow Load Offers. What are your thoughts about this?
1. Make sure that the Smart Prepaid or TNT SIM you need to register is installed on your smartphone and is working. 2. Prepare a valid ID, which will be used to verify your identity as the owner of the SIM card. Here's a list of accepted IDs: Passport National ID Social Security S...
There you have it, the different ways to activate your TNT SIM card. With your new TNT prepaid SIM, you will enjoy the cheapest and most budget-friendly promos from TNT. Don’t forget to load your new SIM regularly to keep your subscription active and to avoid possible disconnection. Shoul...
TypePASALOAD<11-digit number> and send to 808. For example, if you are sending PHP 100 load to the number 09203223449, just type PASALOAD 09203223449 100, and send to 808. That's it! Can you share data on smart? It's easy to share your data in Smart or TNT usingthe PasaData fea...
debloadguidehowtopro 5gredmi note 11xiaomi Replies: 17 Forum:Redmi Note 11 Pro+ 5G (peux)/POCO X4 Pro 5G (veux) ThreadHow To GuideHow to debloat Galaxy Tab S8 ♻️ In this guide we will see step by step how to debloat the Galaxy Tab S8 First of all we have to enable: Develo...
SIM Card Registration for Existing Customers Smart Prepaid, Smart Bro, and TNT subscribers must register through or by texting YES to 5858 (SMART) using the SIM to be used for registration. Registering is free. On the other hand, Globe subscribers can access thei...
No load balances. Once your SIM is deactivated, all your remaining load balances will be forfeited. Final words We encourage everyone to register their SIM cards as soon as possible. Let’s not wait for the the last day. Also, share this article to your friends so that they are fully in...
This method only works if you have available load balance. Simply text another number that you own to determine your SIM card number. You can also send a message to a friend asking him or her to text back your number to you. If you don’t have prepaid load credits, you canborrow load...
In addition, to activate alsoTNT Voice Roaming, just textROAM ON<space>COUNTRY NAMEand send to333. It is recommended to activate it 24 hours prior to your flight outside the country. A ₱100 load balance is needed in order to be able to activate TNT roaming and maintain the same load...
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