I am currently learning RStudio (beginner level) and I have a question regarding stargazer function and especially how to create the table of descriptive statistics. I did start by updloading my dataset (called df1) and all relevant libraries like stargazer. I did run command line...
Step 1: Import your data into R The first step to perform a Spearman correlation in R is that you need some data containing the two variables of interest. In this example, I will be using the mtcars dataset in R. To load the mtcars dataset, simply run the following code. ...
In the above code, we first load the mtcars dataset. Then, we use the subset() function to create a subset of the data frame where the miles per gallon ( mpg) is greater than 20 and the number of cylinders ( cyl) is equal to 4. Finally, we print the resulting subset. Using ...
One of the strengths of thetrainfunction is its ability to perform hyperparameter tuning with cross-validation. Let’s demonstrate this using themtcarsdataset and a support vector machine (SVM). Firstly, we load themtcarsdataset into our R environment. This dataset contains information about variou...
Once you have the test file on your local system, you can load that data into an R object called snowdata with the code: snowdata<-rio::import("BostonWinterSnowfalls.csv") Note that it’s possible rio will ask you to redownload the file in binary format, in which case you’ll need...
A Side-by-Side Boxplot in R: How to Do It – Data Science Tutorials Let’s install the remotes packages first, install.packages("remotes") Now we can install ggsankey package remotes::install_github("davidsjoberg/ggsankey") library(ggsankey) Load Data We can make use of mtcars data set...
Minimal Example in R (using mtcars):For illustration of my attempt, I’ve used the mtcars dataset in R. This dataset includes a binary variableam(denoting 0 = automatic vs. 1 = manual transmission), which I’m treating as equivalent to 'region' in my actual dataframe....
As an example, suppose I want to create a list of the mtcars dataset by split by the number of cylinder and transmission type. Using the `group_split()` + `setNames(unique(*grouping column*))` approach: list_cyl_am1 <- mtcars %>% # create cylinder + transmission type group i...
Image 5 – MTcars dataset as a data frame Visualization And for the last bit, we’ll show you how to visualize the dataset with R’s ggplot2 package. As of now, you can’t display the figures directly in the notebook, so you’ll need to save the figure to a file using the gr...
Learn how to create and query relational databases using SQL in just two hours. See Details Creating a Database In this part, we will learn how to load the COVID-19's impact on airport traffic dataset, under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license, into our SQLite database. We will also learn...