Usually ebooks purchased from Amazon/Kobo/Nook/Google Play Book come with DRM protection. So first thing first, we need to use ebook DRM Removal tool to help us get rid of DRM. Epubor Ultimate is a vital tool for DRM removal from Kindle books and supports seamless ebook format conversion....
Then Kobo will be able to play them. So in this guide, we will show you how to play Audible audiobooks on Kobo.For your information, right now only three Kobo ereaders can play audiobooks. They are Kobo Sage, Kobo Libra 2, and Kobo Elipsa. So make sure you have the correct device...
When you want to share your Kindle books with your friend who has a Kobo eReader, you will find that the Kindle books are not available on Kobo. There are two reasons to make it failed. The first one is that Kindle books are DRM protected. That’s means you can only read those ...
2), goto“my Library”on top webpage, all you purchase ebooks list in webpage, click “Adobe DRM ePub” button to download kobo ebook, it will show up in digital editions if you download ebook in digital editions. 2) To remove epub drm, download and installepub ...
Therefore, if you’d like to read Kobo books on Kindle, it’s a must to remove the DRM from Kobo books and convert them to a Kindle-supported format, like MOBI. Below we are going to show you how to make it step by step. How to Read Kindle Books on Kobo8 Sites to Get Free Ko...
Well, Kobo has a programme for authors—regardless of whether you sell well or don’t sell at all. And surprisingly, it’s the same programme that Kobo offers to traditional publishers. However, to qualify you need to go directly to Kobo. If you have been publishing your books through Dra...
Market research:Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs to check search volume and related topics. Look at competitors’ ebooks to find market gaps and reader needs. Existing publications:Read books and articles on your chosen topic. Look for gaps or areas that need more detail. Use th...
Google Books - is the biggest online library on the Web. It allows to search, preview and read online millions of books from libraries and publishers worldwide. But reading books on Google Books (online) is hardly comfortable. You can't even add bookmark
On Flashback Fridays I will share with you the books I was not able to review when they were first released which have been screaming at me from my To-Be-Read bookshelf. Fiddling with Fate (A Southern Homebrew Mystery) Cozy Mystery 3rd in Series Setting – Tennessee Publisher : ...
While other e-readers lag when turning pages or downloading books, Kindles zip through tasks so they read as fast as you need them to. However, we also love that you can save when you spend in the Kindle store.If you're already a loyal shopper in the Kindle Store, you're probably ...