Spread your batting over a clean large work surface. Place the headboard face down on the batting. Using a staple gun with 1/2″ staples, begin on one of the long sides and staple the batting around the edge of the back of the plywood. Do the other long side next, be sure to pull...
Put one strip of staples into the tray from the top or load them into the back or bottom of the stapler. Do not add single staples; they are likely to jam. Close the top arm or insert the push bar and secure it. Do one or two test staples to ensure that your stapler is ready f...
8– 4′ long 2″ x 2″ boards – These will be the vertical boards of the pillar sections. You can make these taller or shorter depending on how high you want your pillars to be. I used 4 feet because it’s the least amount of cuts (you just have to chop the 8-foot 2″ x 2...
Put one strip of staples into the tray from the top or load them into the back or bottom of the stapler. Do not add single staples; they are likely to jam. Close the top arm or insert the push bar and secure it. Do one or two test staples to ensure that your stapler is ready f...
For T50, nail, 2 Way Staple Gun Tacker For T20, T25,Dual Purpose Stapler 更多相关产品... 联络讯息 公司名称:展仪工业股份有限公司 地址:414 台中市乌日区溪南路二段68巷250弄98号 电话:886-4-2335-8000 传真:886-4-2335-7979 E-Mail:jannyei2009@jannyei.com.tw [ 立即询问 ] 网址: www...
Medium and heavy wire staple guns generally load from the top, while most fine wire staplers are bottom load. You’ll want to make sure that the stapler is locked. If it's an electric staple gun, make sure that it is unplugged. This is the easiest way to insure that you're safe whi...