How To Litter Train Your Rabbit Training a rabbit to use a litter pan is relatively easy, as they prefer to eliminate in the same location. Half of the battle is finding the spot in your home that the rabbit has already claimed and then putting a litter box (the bigger, the better) t...
Rabbits always use one corner of their hutch or cage as a toilet and this makes it very easy to litter train them. Even if you do not intend to let your rabbit run free in your house, it is still useful to use a litter tray so you can clean this out rather than the whole cage....
Learn how to liberty train your rabbit to safely roam your home out of a cage. Follow our step-by-step guide to housebreaking and enriching your pet rabbit's life.
Train your rabbit to use the litter box. Use appropriate cleaning agents to eliminate odors and discourage urinating outside designated areas. Image by: mkzdillon, Shutterstock How to Train Your Rabbit to Use the Litter Box Training a rabbit to use the litter box can be difficult, but with...
Many young cats learn to use litter boxes from their mother, and as the instinct to bury their feces is quite strong, many cats will naturally gravitate towards the litter box to do their business. However, some cats may need a little help learning where to go.General...
and stand on her hind legs without hitting her head on the top of the cage. It should also have enough space to accommodate a litter box, hay rack, and a hiding area. Good rabbit cages should be easy to clean and made from metal or other materials that a rabbit can’t chew through...
While other methods are less stressful to the cat, cat deterrent motion sensors can be a quick way to train your cat if you’re running out of time before the baby comes home. These devices work as a spray form or an ultrasonic sound meant to startle and deter your cat away from the...
Unfortunately, the amount of time that it can take to fully potty train a puppy can vary considerably from one dog to the next, as each will have a unique personality and learning challenges. Many other factors also come into play, such as environment, breed, distraction, etc. Some puppies...
Ideal size for the litter box: A good rule of thumb is that the length of the litter box should be about 1½ times the length of your cat, not including their tail. To simplify, shoot for a box that’s about as long as your cat, including most of their tail. Depending on the ...
How to Choose a Puppy From a Litter 1. Ask the Important Questions Image by: gorillaimages, Shutterstock Before you consider choosing a puppy from a specific litter, there is a lot of background research you need to do. Much of this involves asking the breeder questions and perhaps digging...