You can do it with audio books, you can do it with other video platforms as well, get into the habit of it.Now if you're watching this video and you can understand most of what I'm saying without the subtitles on, awesome!有声书也可以这么做,其他的视频平台也可以这样,慢慢形成这个...
While Apple has moved audiobook playback to the iBooks app, you can still play your audiobooks in the Music iOS app, at least at the time of this writing (iOS 8.4.1). In iTunes on your Mac, simply add your audiobooks—ripped, Audible, or iBooks Store—to a playlist and sync that...
I use my Apple Watch to play audio books while brisk walking in the park. And of course, my iPad on the bedside table while I’m trying to fall asleep. However, there are times, when I feel the need to listen to an Audiobook while working...
And while there’s nothing wrong with moderate amounts of alcohol, it’s easy to let it go too far. Even if you’re able to keep it to one or two drinks, it’s still not the most effective way to cope with stress – especially long-term. Fortunately, there are many ways to relax...
If you're a student, think about investing in some audiobooks or recording your lectures. While waiting in line or walking to class, you can listen to material for your courses. 如果你是一名学生,可以考虑投资一些有声读物或录制一些讲座。在排队或走路去上课的时候,你就可以听你的课程材料。
3. Listening to Podcasts and Audiobooks When you access information by listening, you create even more possibilities for where and when you can do it – while walking, driving or cooking, for example. It also gives your eyes a rest and you'll have the chance to get up from your chair....
In other words, the number of books we read is purely a vanity metric that we use to impress other people.换句话说,我们阅读的书籍数量纯粹是我们用来打动他人的虚荣心指标。In this video, I'd like to propose a new way of approaching reading.在本视频中,我想提出一种新的阅读方式。This is ...
The Apple Watch also works with Audible for listening to audio books. There are also plenty of other streaming music apps you can download and use with the watch. With the GPS + Cellular version of the watch, these functions can be used anytime and virtually anywhere. So you can hear ...
“just” reading and other time was listening to audiobooks while doing something else, you can count it all as reading and congratulate yourself on that number. If you are interested in physical activity, you can note time spent on “pure” exercise and also the walking meetings you set ...
If you’re learning to read faster, what are the fundamental speed reading techniques that will help youzip through multiple books in a single day? All while maximizing retention and comprehension.? These are the exact techniques we’re going to cover on this page. ...