C ? Jon Kabat - Zinn describes three key elements of mindful listening that we can use to improve our listening skills.First of all, be present. When we listen mindfully, our focus should be on the person we are listening to without distractions. Then develop empathy (共鸣). We often ...
Be sure to engage your breath at all times. Mindfully breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, inhaling the overwhelming pleasure and exhaling old narratives and energy that no longer serve you. This ritual can include genital stimulation or not—do whatever is calling to you. ...
To listen mindfully to another person,stop doing anything else, breathe naturally, and simply listen, without an agenda, to what is being said. What are the types of mindfulness? Types of Mindfulness Meditation Body scan meditation: Often done lying down, but you can use any posture you like...
And don't plan what you're going to say, just talk and keep talking.不要计划你要说什么,只需说话并持续说下去。Once you have this recording, listen back.一旦你有了这个录音,回放一下。Spend the first 30 seconds saying, "Ow, I hate the sound of my own voice," then really listen.花前...
H e sai d mindfulnes s means paying attention in a particular way,with a purpose, at th e present moment an d no n-judgmentally.When w e listen mindfully, w e can b e awar e o f som e barriers but still remain open to th e s peaker's ideas an d messages. Mindfulness enc ...
Mindfulness retreats are becoming more popular these days, but you don’t have to set aside a whole vacation for it — you can travel mindfully wherever you go. If you think about it, being mindful when you travel is the best way to take in a new place. When you’re fully focused on...
When we listen mindfully, we many have some difficulties but still remain open to the speaker's ideas and messages. Mindfulness encourages us to focus on the present moment, avoid distractions and ignore physical and emotional reactions(反应)to what people say....
When we listen mindfully,our focus should be on the person we are listening to without distractions. Then develop empathy(共鸣). We often see the world through our own experiences. When we're empathetic, we can understand a situation from someone else's point of view. . Our cues are ...
根据第三段“When we listen mindfully, we many have some difficulties but still remain open to the speaker's ideas and messages. Mindfulness encourages us to focus on the present moment, avoid distractions and ignore physical and emotional reactions(反应)to what people say.(当我们用心倾听时,我们...
H e sai d m indfulness means paying attention in a specia I way, with a purpose, at th e present moment an d non-judgmentally(不评头论足地).When w e listen mindfully, w e many have som e difficulties but still remain open to the speaker's ideas an d messages. Mindfulness e n...