How to List the Authors and__ Addresses HowtoListtheAuthorsandAddresses 主讲:主讲:莎 兰赵欢曹婉璐 组员:组员:董红霞张瑜 LOGO Contents 1 ListingtheAuthors 2 ListingtheAddresses LOGO ListingtheAuthorsDefinitionofAuthorship Anauthorofapapershouldbedefinedasonewhotakesintellectualresponsibilityfortheresearch...
If you’re running amulti-author blog, then you may wish to list all of your authors in a post or a sidebar widget. This will show the human side of your WordPress blog to your readers, and let them quickly find more content written by their favorite authors. Your list could contain ...
This choice is similar to the choice you’d make about how to list yourrelevant courseworkor yourcertifications on your resume: If you have onlyone or two publications, list them in youreducation section If you havemore than two publications, use adedicated publications section Most templates you...
However, in publication, authors often list their entire credential.The ANCC recommends the following format: academic credentials should be listed first, immediately after the name. If there are degrees from more than one specialty (e. g., MSN, MBA), these should be listed separately in the ...
When referencing a journal article in the body of your text, use a parenthetical citation containing the authors' last names and the date of publication. For an article with three to five authors, list all authors names the first time you cite the article in your paper. For example: ...
you can send a pre-submission inquiry to the editor rather than submitting your manuscript. In the email, you can explain why you need two corresponding authors and two first authors, inquire if that is acceptable, and if so, how to submit your paper on the onl...
Three or more authors Whenciting a journal paper in APAwith three or more authors, only enter the last name of the first author listed and add “et al.” after it. “Et al.” is Latin for the phrase “and others,” which is why it is used as a substitute for two or more authors...
3. How to Cite a PowerPoint with Multiple Authors If the PowerPoint has just two authors, you may use comma(,) or ampersand(&) to separate them but If the PowerPoint has more than two authors, list the authors by commas only.
Once you are there, you must make sure that the ‘Post’ tab is selected in the right-hand sidebar. Next, find the ‘Author’ option in the ‘Summary’ section, where you will see a list of available authors to choose from. From here, simply select the new author name from the drop...
《How_to_Write_amp;_Publish_a_Scientific_Paper》.pdf,《How_to_Write_amp;amp;_Publish_a_Scientific_Paper》.pdfVIVOS VOCO: V. Booth, Writing a scientific paper http :// Writing a Scientific Paper Vernon Booth Trinity