Craigslist is full of freebies! And while there are many other sites like Craigslist, CL is still one of the best places tofind free stuff near you. With everything fromfree furnitureto clothes, books, and evenfree mattresses, you can find so many free things on Craigslist! You just need...
Tap into that market andmake money on Craigslistfrom your unwanted stuff. In this guide, we give you tons of Craigslist selling tips that’ll help you to unload your unwanted stuff fast and safely. Table of Contents How to Sell on Craigslist Below, we’re going to give you a step by s...
it’s a free website that shows a sales forum in your city. Craigslist works best for furniture, cars, collectibles and home goods. Unfortunately, no one named Craig is going to help you sell things, but with good pictures and descriptions, you can rack up some interest in your stuff. ...
Craigslist. They don’t charge you anything to list most items, and there are no transaction fees. For exceptionssee here. Know what you aren’t allowed to sell.The different online marketplaces have different guidelines for what you aren’t legally allowed to sell. It varies by state (and...
How to Shop Craigslist If you follow me onInstagramorFacebook, you’ve seen some of my recent craigslist finds. I’ve had quite a few people comment things like “I don’t ever find anything like that.”“Where are you getting this stuff?”“What search words are you using?” So I ...
of strangers, and we especially love watching this play out in community swap forums, like yard sales and flea markets or even virtually on sites like eBay and Craigslist. That’s why we had to revisit one of our very first (and still all time favorite) posts:The Power of Craigslist. ...
Can you ask them to keep you in mind as a person they can dump their stuff on when they do end up moving? Even if they have a garage sale or try to sell things on Craigslist or Kijiji, chances are they’re not going to be able to get rid of it all, and you can volunteer to...
A quick note: while Craigslist has lost a lot of market share to other online platforms, you can use the same ideas in this post toflip items for cash– even itemslying around your house. So, if you’re looking for that Craiglist side hustle or just want to know what Craigslist gigs...
2. Get free stuff Maybe apps aren't your thing.Here's a recipethat notifies you of new free stuff available on Craigslist in your area, while this recipe sends you alink to free Steam gamesposted on Reddit's /r/GameDeals board.This recipesends you a message with a link to the free ...
Craigslist's founder Craig Newmark and CEO Jim Buckmaster aim to provide users with a helpful, noncommercial way to connect with other people in their communities [source: New York Times]. Posting for most classifieds categories on craigslist is free, and it's also free to browse and respond...