and you can point to one of those stunning accomplishments mentioned before, you’re going to get into virtually whatever college you want. And maybe even get a scholarship or two for your extracurriculars. Even if you don’t have your own personal trophy room, having a...
One of the trickiest parts of the Common App is understanding how to make the most of the extracurricular activity section.You might have a ton of activities—or not very many—and be wondering how you should write about your activities to impress college admissions readers. If you’ve felt ...
Many students don’t know how to get involved because they simply don’t know where to start. Other students feel they can't find the time to join clubs or volunteer. I believe being involved in your community and extracurriculars is a vital part of life (in high scho...
Plus, they only have so much time to spend on your application, so you don’t want to take their attention away from your grades, extracurriculars, recommendation letters, and other “gold stars” just to read something that isn’t actually all that important....
You’ve been working hard in high school to get good grades and test scores, but there’s another part of the college application that many students find more confusing: the extracurricular activity section. How many extracurricular activities do you need for college applications? How many are to...
Let’s break down how colleges look at extracurricular activities on applications. As a Complementary Factor Extracurricular activities are not the most important factor in a college application. Coursework and GPA, for instance, bear more weight. However, this is not to say that ext...
"There are many students who have to work, who have to go home to family responsibilities. Colleges understand that, and (students) should put those on their resume," Fraser says. And in the time of COVID-19, when many extracurriculars melted away during the pandemic, c...
Extracurricular activities Interview Application fee Check Out Our Podcast for More Free & Useful Content Go to Podcast Application System The Ivies are included in the list of schools that use Common App, but you may also use other application services such as the Universal College Application, or...
Texas A&M University has three required essay prompts on its application. You are asked to write about your personal story, a life event that has prepared you for success in college, and a person who has profoundly impacted your life. There is also an optional essay prompt about any ...
activities. This section gives you an opportunity to share what you’re passionate about and how you’ve used that passion to achieve. Extracurriculars take time and show work ethic, commitment, and responsibility, so don’t be afraid to include a list of the clubs and teams you participated...