Note: The microsoft/vscode repository contains a collection of GitHub Actions that help us with triaging issues. As you probably don't want these running on your fork, you can disable Actions for your fork via<<Your Username>>/vscode/settings/actions.BuildInstall and buil...
Out of frustration at the lack of clear documentation, I've created a Mac project on github that should just work (both building and debugging): vscode-mac-c-example Note that it requires XCode and the VSCode Microsoft cpptools extension. I plan to do the same for Windows and linux (un...
<input type="checkbox"> some unchecked text NOTEThis works in a published vscode extension markdown file (in the Marketplace): But I am still investigating getting it to work in github - any ideas?inputelements do not appear to be in the prohibited list so it "should" work somehow. But...
= null) throw error ^ Error: Failed to find Electron v1.7.0 for linux-arm64 at at Request.<anonymous> (/media/nvidia/Data/VS_Code/vscode-master/node_modules/nugget/index.js:169:61) at ...
Here is a short clip that shows how to select the number of spaces. For example, if I select 1 space, pressingTabindents the block of code 1 space and pressingShift+Tabmoves the block of code 1 space to the left. If you'd rather indent using tabs: ...
For Codespaces, install the Visual Studio Codespaces extension in VS Code, and use the Codespaces: Create New Codespace command.Docker / the Codespace should have at least 4 Cores and 6 GB of RAM (8 GB recommended) to run full build. See the development container README for more informatio...
You are usingCodespacesto open and run the application Overview This hands-on tutorial provides you with an existing Go web application that you can build upon. To use the existing code repository click on the “Build, Test and Deploy to Azure” link above and this will open the GitHub ...
Finally, you can deploy your Vue.js frontend to ourStatic Site Hostingforfree. This can be done by pushing your code to your preferred Git provider (Bitbucket,GitHub, orGitLab) and then deploying it to Kinsta. Don’t forget to adjust your headless WordPress endpoint to match your live pro...
For collaboration and backup, you'll often link your local repository to a remote repository hosted on platforms like GitHub or GitLab. # Link your local repository to a remote one git remote add origin [repository-url] 📌 Replace [repository-url] with the link to your online repository....
Why use Github Actions? As we all know, front-end deployment is nothing more than dropping the packaged code into the nginx html directory and it's done, but whenever the product frequently changes the demand, or even when you change a word on the line, you always have to repeat the fo...