Okay, to review, when one word ends with a consonant sound, and the next word starts with the same consonant sound, we link the sounds. But, there are two exceptions to this rule: we don’t link /tʃ/ or /dʒ/ sounds. For example: each choice orange juice In these examples, ...
Click to follow「mǎo mào」 How to Link French Sounds Together (En-Ch Version) 00.04 法语如何连读? 为了让单词读起来通顺,前一个单词的最后一个辅音字母通常不用读出来。 但是一旦下一个单词是以元音字母或者字母“h”开头,比如:très important(读成trayzimportant),这就是连读。 有些时候连读是非常重要...
When one word ends with a consonant sound, and the next word starts with the same consonant sound, we link the sounds.当一个单词以辅音声音结束时, 下一个单词以相同的辅音声音开头,我们连音。For example:例如:'Red dress'. We have two /d/ sounds together, so the two words share the soun...
it should not be esta it should not be prop it snowed and wild be it soars to the sky it sounded like a thr it sounds big it spans three it speeds up it started out as a f it started to it starts before you it starts with a v an it stopped and stood it style it super bowl...
The English language has a lot of words that sound alike or look alike. Words like assent and accent look and sounds the familiar. But they have very different means. If you use the wrong word in a sentence, you will confuse you later. Therefore, when you learn to distinguish between ...
Before we go further, let’s talk quickly about punctuation. A period, a comma, a colon, a semicolon, a dash: these things will all signify a stop, a break, a pause. So, we don’t want to link sounds over that kind of punctuation. Let’s take a look at an example sentence. ...
In today's lesson, we're going to keep talking about connected speech and that is linking sounds together when you speak English, to help you sound more relaxed and natural.大家好啊,我是Emma,欢迎来到Emma的美味英语。在本节课程中,我们将继续讨论口语连读,那指的就是说英语的时候将音连起来,...
Do you have trouble understanding what native speakers say? What to improve your English listening and comprehension skills? Ill give you some great tips that will help you to listen and understand!
This happens after an early stage of language development called babble, when babies start making simple sounds like "ga" or "ma".这发生在语言发展的早期阶段,称为牙牙学语,这时婴儿开始发出“ga”或“ma”等简单的声音。Babies have to learn to use their mouth muscles to make specific sounds. ...
1. adenoidal/ˌædəˈnɔɪdl/: An adenoidal voice isone that sounds as though you are talking through your nose. 可能是因为发声器官本身的问题所导致的鼻音比较重的嗓音。 (A 'nasal/ˈneɪzl/' voice sounds similar to an adenoidal voice. Jack在写作时会用adenoidal,口语中更多用na...