Hi. I am having trouble using ‘git push’ to a branch on a project as I keep getting rejected.The owner has given me permission via my GitLab registered mail BUT there seems to be a conflict. VSCode only allows me to Login via its Microsoft page. That email is associated with GitHub...
Have been using VSCode with Gitlab for a long time, connecting to multiple projects within the same Gitlab account without problems. I have been using the Gitlab Workflow VSCode extension, and set up a PAT to work with t…
When we took over the extension, we worked with other teams across GitLab to immediately perform an application security review. Along the way, we made sure to create a security release-process. We did this to ensure that users were safe to continue using the extension and so that we ...
.gitlab mac build Jan 31, 2025 .vscode Bug 1858932 - Skip bash and run mach directly on powershell for tasks… Oct 18, 2023 accessible Bug 1890155: If we can't get an HWND when clients call IAccessible2::… Dec 17, 2024 browser feat(about): share page states globally Jan 31, 2025...
curl-fSsL https://gitlab.com/paulcarroty/vscodium-deb-rpm-repo/raw/master/pub.gpg|sudogpg --dearmor|sudotee/usr/share/keyrings/vscodium.gpg>/dev/null Having secured our connection with the GPG key, we imported the VSCodium repository. The repository is the source from which we’ll down...
- uses: docker/build-push-action@v3 with: secrets: | telerik_key=${{ secrets.TELERIK_NUGET_KEY }} ... Now, insdie the Dockerfie itself, we can mount that secret: # Here we use a docker secret to update the 'Telerik_Feed' package source, then restore then build RUN --mount=type...
Git can even access repositories created by other Version Control Systems. Allows for non-linear development: With Git we can work in a non-linear method, since users are able to access the repository, make changes and update it whenever they want to. This is possible due to branching and ...
Tools such as GitLab and Gitorious choose the name merge request since that is the final action that is requested of the assignee. In this article we'll refer to them as merge requests.💡 A "merge request" should not be confused with the git merge command. Neither should a "pull ...
As I wrote here is the function module RFC_READ_TABLE very important for many Excel-VBA programmers. But RFC_READ_TABLE has a strong restriction: The length of a result
That's it, we are ready to send test messagesgo to: Runtime Workbench -> Component Monitoring -> Adapter Engine -> Test Message (if you are working on 7.30/7.31 single stack then you can still reach Runtime Workbench at http://<host>:<port>/rwb/index.jsp)...