你可能回答lesson oneli里用过的git clone.但这个命令只能从github server clone, 并不能把本地的repo clone 到github server上。 git has a concept of aremote repository. This lets you store the location of a repository that you will want to send and receive new commits to and from. Git users ...
1,github账号,新建一个project 比如命名为:2018test1,勾选下面的“Initialize this repository with a README” 创建完成之后,界面如下: 2, 设置git 比如我的账号为: myname, 邮箱为:myemail@163.com 在git终端下运行下面命令: $ git config--globaluser.name"myname"$ git config--globaluser.email myemail...
Now go back to the GitHub Desktop app, and click “Sign in to GitHub.com”, the blue button: Finally you’re ready to configure Git. Accept this to set the username and email of Git, which you’ll need to createcommits. Click “Finish”. Installing this app also installs Git, so y...
Git subtree allows you to insert any repository as a sub-directory of another one Very similar to submodule but the main difference is where your code is managed. In submodules the content is placed inside a separate repo and is managed there which allow you to clone it to many other re...
To connect a domain with GitHub Pages, follow the steps: 1.Sign into yourNamecheap account. 2. SelectDomain Listfrom the left sidebar and click on theManagebutton next to your domain name: 3. Click on theAdvanced DNStab and find theHost recordssection. Then click on theAdd...
一、从官网下载Git 此部分略 二、用Git连接上GitHub(为保持完整性,此部分引用博客:https://www.cnblogs.com/blogzhangwei/p/5944975.html) 1、创建一个SSH KEY 打开Git Bash,输入: $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C"your_email@example.com" 之后命令行提示你输入文件名以保存此Key,推荐使用默认名(此时直接输入回...
A GitHub Alternative? I’ve been really intrigued by GitLab over the past few months. In addition to being open source, they’re also active in the community and in releasing new features. Mention GitLab on Reddit or Hacker News, and the CEO will usually appear to within the hour to an...
Since there is no linked repository, no output was received from Git. Now, with the help of the URL given above, we will link the repository. To link a repository, execute the following command and press enter: git remote add origin https://github.com/harishrajora805/myFirstRepo.git ...
GitLab homepage Like GitHub, GitLab enables you to store code and use git’s version control capabilities. However, it also provides more nuanced user permissions and includes built-in Continuous Integration (CI). This eliminates the need for the pull requests used in GitHub. ...
We’ll look at more Git command soon, but this is the absolute minimum. First, head to GitHub.com and make an account if you don’t already have one. The account creation form is usually right there on the GitHub homepage, but if it isn’t look for a Sign Up link. Second, click...