So, if you want to set your FPS cap to 144, you would type “+fps_max 144”. If you want to remove the FPS cap altogether,type “+fps_max unlimited”. How to set or remove the Apex LegendsFPS cap on Steam If you’re playing Apex Legendson Steam and want to change or remove t...
Frames-per-second (FPS) helps determine how smooth your gameplay is. Most players aim for around 60 FPS as a standard in Apex Legends. You can turn on your FPS tracking to monitor whether you should turn down other gameplay settings. For example, if your FPS is lower than 60, you can ...
Are you looking for a way to get around a Apex Legends HWID ban? You are in the right place. In this guide, you will find step-by-step how to bypass a Apex Legends hardware ban and IP Ban and get back to playing in a few minutes. HWID bans on Apex Legends are the most challeng...
Before diving into the solutions, checking your PC specs is essential. Apex Legends requires a decent gaming PC to run at a smooth FPS. If your PC doesn’t meet the minimum requirements, then you might have issues with low FPS and FPS drops. You can check the official system requirements ...
How to unlock Legends You can unlock or get new Legends in the store. You need 12,000 Legend Tokens to unlock a new Legend or 750 Apex Coins to get one. The only way to get Legend Tokens is by leveling up. There are five currencies in Apex Legends: Apex Coins, Crafting Metals, Leg...
You can use riva tuner for apex legends. 0 Likes Reply elstaci MVP 10-17-2022 06:31 PM Empty heading If you are getting 1000 FPS or higher seems like you have either overclocked your GPU or CPU or some other unusual hardware changes to achieve such high FPS. Normally your...
If you want to turn on your Apex Legends FPS counter in-game, here’s how to do it: Start out in theSettingsmenu. ClickIn-Game, then find thein-game FPS counter. Toggle it from ‘Off’ to ‘On‘ Choose whichcorneryou want to display FPS in. ...
There are two different methods to remove the FPS cap in Apex Legends, and we will explain both of them here. How to Remove the FPS cap: Launch Options The first method and the method we recommend is to add a command line to the launch options in the Origin Launcher. ...
Aiming and crosshair placement in Apex Legends Aiming is obviously the most important aspect of the game. You can have plenty of knowledge about the skills and maps, but without good aim, you won't win. The first thing you want to check is your sensitivity. Higher sensitivity is generally ...
The next solution to this error is to repair Apex Legends’ game files. Generally, the leading cause of this error is game files that had become corrupted over time or failed to download when the game was being installed on your system. ...