Others who have had the anal whitening procedure done admit that their intent was for glamor alone. They wanted to feel more beautiful and confident when wearing bikini bottoms, G-strings as well as thongs. A lot of darker skinned women even use it on their inner thighs which is whyvaginal...
Potato juice is a good treatment for dark circles and can also help to get rid of stretch scars. Potatoes are high in starch and contain skin-lightening enzymes that lighten scars and imperfections on the skin. Furthermore, catecholase, a bleaching chemical found in potatoes, repairs scars ...
Age spots also known as liver spots and solar lentigines are flat, painless, black or dark brown blemishes on the skin’s surface. They mostly appear on the shoulders, neck, back of the hands, face, and sometimes on feet and back due to the sun exposure. Age spots commonly happen in t...
especially on sensitive areas like the inner thighs. While this is very annoying, it will become less irritated as you get used to shaving and your skin“toughens up”to the whole process. Keep in mind you are a shaving virgin right now and...
I have had boils off and on for years. I currently have one on my inner right thigh, close to my panty line. I am currently using PRID, which is an over the counter drawing salve that you can get at Wal Mart. I am also putting a potato on it as well and bandage. I have had...
another great home remedy for eye puffiness. In fact, the enzymes and astringent agents found in cucumbers can help you reduce puffiness and inflammation and simultaneously help lighten the skin around your eyes. Besides, this home remedy will also help treat wrinkles and dark circles around the ...
For instance, in the last few years I’ve really tried to lighten up on this whole cooking thing when I’m at my cabin. The whole interview is a joy with many important things for writers to read. http://www.theparisreview.org/interviews/2511/the-art-of-fiction-no-104-jim-harrison ...
For instance, in the last few years I’ve really tried to lighten up on this whole cooking thing when I’m at my cabin. The whole interview is a joy with many important things for writers to read. http://www.theparisreview.org/interviews/2511/the-art-of-fiction-no-104-jim-harrison ...
For instance, in the last few years I’ve really tried to lighten up on this whole cooking thing when I’m at my cabin. The whole interview is a joy with many important things for writers to read. http://www.theparisreview.org/interviews/2511/the-art-of-fiction-no-104-jim-harrison ...
For instance, in the last few years I’ve really tried to lighten up on this whole cooking thing when I’m at my cabin. The whole interview is a joy with many important things for writers to read. http://www.theparisreview.org/interviews/2511/the-art-of-fiction-no-104-jim-harrison ...