Nationally, the average professional charges between $2,275 and $6,950 to install pavers.See Pricing in Your Area The national average cost for an average-sized (280 square-foot) paver patio is $3,350, but costs can range from $2,275 to $6,950 depending on a variety of factors. ...
Installing pavers for your grill can give you an attractive grilling space for years to come. Hiring a contractor to do the job for you can be quite expensive, so doing the job yourself can save you hundreds of dollars if you are willing to put in a few
patios and decks. Be sure to measure the square footage of your yard so you know how much material you’ll need for each zone you create. Decide which plants you want to keep and which areas you plan to recreate.
Level Foundation: Build your catio on a flat, level foundation to insure a successful project. Uneven ground can be leveled or you can build your catio on a patio or deck. Above-ground window box catios can be supported by angle braces that attach to the house. Sun/Shade: Cats love bas...
When to Call a Landscaping Professional Some pool landscaping projects might be DIY, but calling a professional is a good idea if you have a more complicated pool design in mind, such as a terraced landscape or a new patio. After all, if you already have professionals handling your pool car...
There are many additions to your yard that help to beautify your home. Utility covers positioned in the middle of your yard are not in this category. Many people with exposed utility covers choose to cover them with faux landscape rocks. There are severa
Applying a deck stain can be messy and sometimes you can spill or drip on your concrete or brick pavers that are under or around your deck. Once this happens, it is not easy to remove. We have found that using a deck stain stripper and pressure washing will remove much of the spilled...
Concrete prices differ by region, with a nationwide average of $166.39 per cubic yard in the first half of 2024 and a range of $150 to $180 per cubic yard. When estimating the cost of concrete for a home improvement project, it is important to factor in additional items like the ready...
An eye-catching landscape does a good job of blending plants with hardscape items, such as pavers, retaining walls, barbecues, arbors and gazebos. You want a good mix of both types of items to create a yard that is functional and aesthetically pleasing. Generally, hardscape items are put in...
Sanding the pieces: After everything is cut out, drilled, and otherwise fabricated, it's time to do some sanding of the pieces so you make a wooden wagon wheel that is finished well, and will look more attractive in your yard.