By testing, you can determine if a garden location will be ideal for a new plant or if it should be amended first (to adjust the pH level as needed). Many plants thrive in neutral (a pH reading of approximately 6.5 to 7.5) but there are some that require more acidic (below 7) or ...
Introduction: How to Get to Harvest in 10 Steps Step 1: Choose Your Place to Grow Step 2: Choose Your Light Step 3: Choose Your Growing Medium Step 4: Get Cannabis-Friendly Nutrients Step 5: Get Good Seeds (or Clones) Step 6: Germinate Your Seeds / Start Your Clones ...
deeper layer will usually be lighter in color, be more reddish, or have lots of rocks. Again, this varies by region. The deeper layer is known as subsoil and should not be removed. It has little economic value and very little vegetation will grow in subsoil due to its lack of basic ...
–Take your plastic prevention one step further by checking outour ten top tips, learning how to makeplastic-free gifts, andreducing plastic waste in schooltoo! 3. Be a green eater! In the past, people thought that we couldtake whatever we wantedfrom the planet, without any consequences!
If the hole was caused by a collapse or if it was old enough that grass covered it, the old sod should be sufficient to repair the area. If the hole was not covered with grass, fill it with soil until it is level with the top of the surrounding soil. Gently tamp the soil to fill...
Want to know how to make grass greener? It’s a simple process and here we take you through what to do step-by-step.
in toxic soil that no longer supports plant growth. This is a common problem in raised beds that are filled withtoo much organic matterbut it can occur in any garden. Today I’ll have a look at both the cause of high phosphorus in soil and ways that you can use to reduce the level...
Add a splash of warmth and color to your home with our DIY guide on how to make a LEGO® terrarium
Pay close attention and make sure to water as soon as the top half-inch or so of soil is dry. But, be careful not to leave the soil waterlogged for too long. It should be consistently moist, not soggy. Applying a liquid fertilizer like fish emulsion occasionally can give your green ...