2 Map Out The Location And Level The Ground You don’t want to slide off of your composting toilet or have to take your showers at an angle because your ground isn’t level. Uneven ground can also cause drainage issues and cause your water to pool in one area. The ground doesn’t ne...
These use additional bars to provide weight distribution to the vehicle and additional safety. Proper Ground Clearance Maintaining proper ground clearance is critical. If not, it could lead to scraping or dragging over speed bumps, uneven terrain, or steep inclines. You don’t want to damage ...
We examine how a market-based conservation non-governmental organization (NGO) persuaded an Indigenous community in Bolivia to adopt new livelihood practices based on neoliberal conservation principles. These practices required the community to abandon t
Why a grassroots Summer Institutes model failed: Exploring obstacles to evidence-based teaching awareness in low-awareness, low-support contexts. As a global phenomenon, the spread of evidence-based teaching (EBT) in STEM education has been very uneven. Outside of the United States, parts of Eur...
I was able to slip 1″ XPS behind the framing, but can not get them to adhere due to the concrete wall being uneven. Any advice on how to get them to stay in place? As an alternative, can I just attach the XPS to the inside framing and then drywall directly over that? Thanks ...
This decay in diversity proportional to the decay in the rate of recombination was first described in D. melanogaster and has been confirmed in many organisms since then. The correlation was initially understood as an effect of genetic hitchhiking, but background selection has been increasingly ...
One interviewee explained the issue, "quite frankly it was the background of the current [Trump] administration [ . . . ] we looked at it carefully and the drop off was both from the national laboratories, which was actually quite a big source of nominations for IPCC and for universities ...
The overall background range of samples is comprehensive and balanced, however the number is relatively small compared to the residents in Beijing, which might cause some bias of the research outcome. Due to the limited time and budget, this study uses an online survey to collect data on DBSS...