Hi, I'm glad you're here because I'm about to give you eight tips that will make you sound smart regardless of how intelligent you are.嗨,很高兴你在这里,我将和你分享八个小贴士,无论你有多聪明,都能让你听起来更聪明。So, let's get started.让我们开始吧。The first way to sound sm...
Mastering the art of making yourself fart is an impressive feat. But with great power comes great responsibility. Our only task is to use these strategies for good, not evil deeds like hotboxing your friend's car with farts ordutch oven-ingsomebody in bed....
Rather than waiting to pay a toll at a tollbooth or shelling out coins at a token counter, passengers use RFID chip-embedded passes like debit cards. But would you entrust your medical history to an RFID tag? How about your home address or your baby's safety? Let's look at two types...
Today many apps let youcombine videos for Android.Smartphone technology is revolutionizing with high-quality cameras for photography and video recording. The processing power is not left behind either. The processing power lets many people use their smartphones in content creation. Some of the excelle...
Well, let's see... In figs of this sort, the crunchy bits in the fruit contain both seeds and wasps. NOOOOOOOOOO!!! Is there any way I can undigest all the Fig Newtons and Fig Newmans I've eaten in my life? Because I want to divest myself of my entire Fig history. ...
daughter was a baby she was gassy a lot, and would scream and cry in pain. I would give her some infant gas drops, lay her on my bed on her back, gently push her knees up to her belly in a rocking motion, and sing a little song. Soon she would let out some farts and be ...
In a world of money trees and unicorn farts, this is the one I would have gone with... But back to reality. Making a pattern So then I started thinking. Could I make a patterned fabric myself? I have never done that, so like any, uhm, sane person I j...
” And then all of a sudden shelet out the biggest, loudest, smelliest fart in the history of farts. Momthinks it was actually the fart that finally woke the doctor up. Anyway, whenMom tells this story, she acts out all the parts—including the fartingnoises—and it is so, so, so,...
That’s because if too much gas gets stuck in your GI tract, it can cause uncomfortable bloat that distends the abdomen, Dr. Pittman explains. That’s why sometimes a good toot can make all the difference. “If you’re bloated and need to fart, do it,” he says, “it may not bur...
You can try going for bubbles when you need to let that gas out. “When you have a fizzy drink, air builds up in your stomach, causing abdominal distention. This air has to exit the body somehow,” says Dr. Sonpal. We need to tell you, however, that rocking the bubbly is most ...