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some started gaming the system. The rector of one of the world’s oldest universities, for one, set upcitation cartelsto boost his citation scores, while others reportedly buy(!)bogus citations. Even top-ranked institutions seem to play the indicator game bysubmitting false datato improve their...
The grade point average (GPA) is a metric used by educational institutions, mostly in the United States, to evaluate students' academic progress and success. GPA is calculated by changing any assignment grades (A, B, C, etc.) to a percentage. GPA is an abbreviation for "grade point averag...
So how can we send test messages also directly to the Adapter Engine Messaging System? How can we send a message to "any arbitrary Integrated Configuration" as if this ICO would be triggered by it's configured sender channel?There are a lot of threads on SCN claiming that this is not ...
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explaining cross-national differences in consumer reactions and post-transgression brand performance. This is surprising considering evidence pointing to the contrary. For instance, the Nestlé Baby Killer scandal caused a disproportionately higher consumer outrage in the brand’s regions of origin than in...
pandas.get_dummies(drop_first=TRUE)sklearn.preprocessing.OneHotEncoder When categories is too many, we can transform them into top levels + “other” Outliers should always be considered and inspected to see if they are “real” or some artifact of data collection ...