Learn the simple rules forSpanish accent marksand what they stress (which sounds are emphasized in a word). Depending on how you pronounce a word, it may have a different meaning. For example,mendigo(accent on the second to the last syllable) means “beggar,” butméndigo(accent on the se...
"she walks") normally isn't used to talk about something that is occuring right now, such a use of the simple presesnt is common in Spanish. So the first two answers above are correct.
I learned to speak Spanish, and it took a long time and a lot of personal dedication. The key is to throw yourself into the deep end—in my case this was deciding to live abroad in Venezuela, but there are a ton of other ways to reach fluency. Today I will explain exactly how to ...
The Spanish verb 'hacer', meaning 'to do' or 'to make', is an irregular verb, so it conjugates a bit differently than others. Learn to use hacer in the present simple and present progressive tenses with examples of its use in everyday conversation. ...
Worksheets that depict the difference between simple and present continuous tenses are helpful too. One might require students to convert simple present verb sentences: "I watch baseball" to present continuous verb sentences: "I am watching baseball now."...
on how to learn Spanish, most are geared toward teenagers or college students. Warren Hardy has been developing and fine-tuning his system for over 20 years—specifically with baby boomers in mind. He says that anyone, no matter what your age, can learn, and it can be fun and easy too...
Are you up for the challenge to learn Spanish? How's my Spanish is your portal to conjugation charts, quizes and blogs on how to efficiently learn Spanish.
There are many different ways to express the future tense in French. In this lesson, we look at four of them, seeing how each version plays a nuanced role in the language. The Future Tenses The future is no doubt an exciting place. While your future may not have the same flying cars ...
We know Spanish tenses are plentiful and complicated. They all take some time to learn, which is why, in this article, we’ll be focusing on one particular form that didn’t get much attention yet: thepretérito perfecto compuesto, antepresenteor present perfect. This indicative mood tense ...
Many languages divide nouns into different genders. English has the remnants of a three gender system which determines the choice of pronoun (he, she, it, his, hers, its, etc) and is usually related to the sex. In French, Spanish and Italian nouns are either masculine and feminine. In ...