Brush up on your algebra. Pre-calculus builds directly from the concepts you learned in algebra I and II, so make sure you're solid on those before you get started on pre-calculus. If you've started a pre-calculus course and are having trouble, go back and review your algebra; a good...
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摘要: In learning Advanced Algebra, students usually find the basic concepts abstract to understand, primary methods difficult to control, and questions hard to answer. Aimed at solving these problems, this article discusses systematic ways to learn this course well.关键词:...
Many people want to learn a foreign language in order to be able to communicate with people from other countries or to travel to these foreign countries. A language barrier can be a very frustrating thing to overcome. When a person understands the language of the people they are surrounded wi...
Learning How to Learn. This skill is the key to mastering any topic. Discover how to read, learn and remember in a fraction of the time. Learn, Read, Remember.
Imagine learning algebra(几何) not in a year, but in a week. How about developing complex computer programs used by millions of people worldwide——at age 14, or becoming a grandmaster of chess, knocking out the best minds in the world, even though you aren’t old enough to drive a ...
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We have been teaching algebra in middle schools for some time. We teach the essentials and see that our students learn them well, and by means of suggestive hints and illuminating comments we induce our students to think out the subject-matter themselves. From our study of Chairman Mac's wor...
Unexpected Findings About How Young Students Learn AlgebraPatrick W Thompson
There are three big parts of mathematics: geometry, analysis and algebra. In this insight I will try to give a roadmap towards learning basic abstract algebra.