Learn how to use the Spatial IO module provided by the Azure Maps Web SDK. This module provides robust features to make it easy for developers to integrate spatial data with the Azure Maps web SDK.
Arena Shooter GML This tutorial already contains everything we'll need to create our decal effect except the actual surface controller which we'll add in a moment. First however we need to modify a couple of objects in the game so they'll be ready for use when the controller is added. ...
Download the bonus project, which includes code for real-time camera rotation and simple focusing. CONCLUSION 3D cameras are fun! Use this power creatively to spice up your games and make your 2.5D games stand out from the crowd. If you need any further help with GML or want to discuss ...
To load the sprite sheet, add the following script from our GitHub example repository to your project: SpriteSheetLoader.gml The script provides two methods, the first one is used to load the JSON data file and the texture image. You can call it in the creation code of your room or scen...
Easily import and export common spatial file formats such as KML, KMZ, GeoRSS, GML (via GeoRSS) and GPX. Load it as a layer on the map or directly access the data with just a few lines of code. Try it now | Documentation Ground Overlays Overlay georeferenced images on top of the ma...
I've been playing around with a Chatbot that helps me learn the Game Maker engine and its GML coding language, but you can make one to do absolutely anything, like teach you a language, help you write your next short story, or just be a friend to chat to when you're feeling a bit...
one should not pick a language because of coding habits it enforces, one should pick a language based on how easy it is for people to learn and understand basic programming concepts that then can be applied to other languages, the easier the syntax the less time they spend on learning the...
GML: if room == MenuVideo { image_index=1; image_speed=0; } Click to expand... it didnt worked but i figured it out other way, created a Draw Gui checked if left button were pressed and then switched to image_index 1 You must log in or regi...
xmlns:facid="http://www.exchangenetwork.net/schema/facilityid/3" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLScheme-instance">' + @strFacility + '</facid:FacilityDetails></Payload></hdr:Document>' ...
Some of the common formats companies use to exchange data include: CSV XML JSON INTERLIS Apache Parquet GMT grid file format Generalized markup language (GML) Yet another markup language (YAML) Resource description framework (RDF) Relative expression based object language (REBOL) Any transport over...