Expansion: WotLK Classic Dalaran is the new capital city for both Alliance and Horde players in Northrend. The city is can be found floating in the western side of Crystalsong Forest, a zone characterized by beautiful scenery and high concentrations of the arcane. The city is a sanctuary zone...
Like almost all of the activities you’ve completed inWrath Classicto this point, the journey to Icecrown Citadel begins inDalaran. The entrance to ICC can be found west of the floating city, and to get there, you can hop on your flying mount and quickly cruise to the citadel (provided ...
Wintergrasp is a mountain-locked region in the dead center of Northrend, allowing only players with either the select flight path or cold weather flying enabled to enter the zone. It should be noted that once entering Wintergrasp, whether it be to fight or simply pass through, you will...
Wintergrasp is a mountain-locked region in the dead center of Northrend, allowing only players with either the select flight path or cold weather flying enabled to enter the zone. It should be noted that once entering Wintergrasp, whether it be to fight or simply pass through, you will be ...