Hello, I am trying to control precisely packet spacing on an Intel X710 NIC using DPDK i40e poll mode driver. To do so i just try the naive way : the
I can't reply to you in https://community.intel.com/t5/Intel-QuickAssist-Technology/How-to-use-VFs-to-get-better-performance-with-qat-is-linear/m-p/1576598#M233 , maybe a bug? so I start a new post here to answer your questions. Here are all my steps...
GTFOBins A curated list of Unix binaries that can be exploited by an attacker to bypass local security restrictions Hacker101 A free class for web security by HackerOne Infosec Getting Started A collection of resources, documentation, links, etc to help people learn about Infosec Infosec Referenc...
We are using a custom image, so that linked article looks like what I was looking for. Thank you!
DPDK/SRIOV: No CPU cores per module: 2 Memory per module: 4GB Attached storage: 15GB Benchmarking and cost calculations In our sandbox environment, we used an open source traffic generator function (TGF) from i2i Systems to load the solution to observe the behavior of OpenShift as an appli...
See the DPDK documentation for how to use DPDK and testpmd with Intel Ethernet FD.In order to determine whether your device supports Intel Ethernet FD, use the ethtool command with the --show-features or -k parameter on the network interface you want to use:...
Network interface controller (NIC) queues tuning (DPDK) IRQ dynamic load-balancing Special Resource Operatorlets you load specific kernel modules and device drivers. This component is still in technology preview, meaning you should not use it in production. It is recommended to get guidance if you...
Please go to naturechina.com to subscribe to this journal. Go to naturechina.com Buy this article Purchase on SpringerLink Instant access to full article PDF Buy now Prices may be subject to local taxes which are calculated during checkout Additional access options: Log in Learn about ...
vlan에 대한 NAKS 클러스터 내의 L2 인터페이스에서 dpdk-testpmd의 유효성을 검사합니다. VLAN에 대해 캡처된 데이터인 NAKS 클러스터 내의 L2 인터페이스에서 dpdk-testpmd의 유효성을 검사합니다...
Learn about Open Platform for Network Functions Virtualization* (OPNFV*), how it relates to Intel® Open Network Platform (Intel® ONP), and how Intel is contributing to OPNFV.