The first 20 hours -- how to learn anything只需20小时,你就可以学会任何事!-Josh Kaufman 译料惊喜 3043 0 【新概念英语·词汇速记丨第1册】837词☆18分35秒丨附:词汇表(后台留言) 惊叹号的英语世界 1.0万 2 【词汇☆飞跃之旅】朗文500·必备场景词·速记丨Longman Young Children's Picture Dictionar...
【20集全】刚好适合B站大学生看的英语动画短片,学习完一个月词汇量突飞猛进,沉浸式英语学习提升,多个高质量英文动画快速提升词汇量、口语、听力,刷完词汇量暴涨 2 -- 8:58 App How to learn English on your own over the summer (30 minutes a day) 1874 1 4:35:19 App 【【30集】30天让你掌握1650...
The first 20 hours -- how to learn anything 学习技能并没那么难,无论是一门语言、画画还是其他,掌握最初的20小时你也可以
Now, there's a method to doing this. Because it's not like you can just start fiddling around for about 20 hours and expect these massive improvement. There's a way to practice intelligently that will make sure that you invest those 20 hours in the most effective way that you possibly ...
【英语听力/字幕】The first 20 hours -- how to learn anything | Josh Kaufman | TEDxCSU0 0 2025-01-04 14:37:06 未经作者授权,禁止转载 您当前的浏览器不支持 HTML5 播放器 请更换浏览器再试试哦~1 投币 收藏 分享 油管搬运视频带英语字幕,可自选是否添加 知识...
Practice at least 20 hours 至少练习20小时:学习大部分技能都存在“沮丧障碍”,即“我很菜而且我还知道自己很菜”的阶段。而这种觉得自己很菜的心理会阻挡我们坐下来安心学习。所以,不论如何,先告诉自己:不管多菜,先练习个20小时再说,等渡过了“沮丧障碍”时期。。。再放弃也不晚hhh。I say,坚持下去,直到获得...
这是诚品书店在苏州开业后去逛的时候买的两本外文书之一。作者Josh Kaufman也是畅销书《The Personal MBA》的作者。说实话,买书的当时是被标题吸引了,粗看...
所以一开始见不到效果的时候不要放弃,一定坚持20h(这个应该只是估计值,你可以理解为你能投入的最大时间/精力)左右看看效果。 The First 20 Hours -How to Learn Anything Josh Kaufman—在线播放—优酷网,视频高清在线观看 http://v.youku....
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When I picked up the book, “The First 20 Hours, How to Learn Anything” by Josh Kaufman, I realized I am in the same boat as the author. Kaufman has a wide range of interests and claims that he spends a focused amount of time in learning something new and can become go...