22 You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews. 23 But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. 24 God is Spirit, and those...
2 Look, the Lord has someone who is strong and powerful. Like a storm of hail and ·strong [destructive] wind,like a sudden flood of water pouring over the country, he will throw Samaria down to the ground [L with his hand].3 That city, the pride of ·Israel’s [L Ephraim’...
However, scheduling a specific time to pray each day will help you become a consistent person of prayer: someone who is serious about the needs of others and will pray trusting that God will accomplish His plan in their life. As you begin learning to pray, you may find that you only ...
Clear your mind of what you assume, and allow God to lead you in all things. It is the tail of the dragon that we need to be aware of, for the natural man will not see it coming. Only those with spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear will be able to withstand the onslaught of...
begin to “people please” and put their needs ahead of our own. This can get us in trouble if we allow others to take advantage of us in this area. That can happen. I must be careful in this area myself. It is easy to feel sorry for someone and end up taking on their burdens...
Psalm 62:5-8, KJV Marketplace Monastics returns, for we have need of one another and the “reset” of which so many have been speaking. Here we may discuss, cry out, and exalt the goodness of God together. Whatever we may have thought or anticipated in this New Year, no matter what...
Those who do not understand “supreme intelligence” need to know the word God. If one insists that God is a Father, that is his truth. If there are women who are outraged because someone has called God a male gender, then that is their truth. But God will always be the perception ...
Some of the most significant prophecies in scripture regarding the posterity of Jacob are found in the blessings of Judah and Joseph in Genesis 49. However much of the poetry in the blessings is difficult to understand. How should we understand the rich
Actually I had set out on a wrong goal -- that of becoming someone "important," achieving business success and status for the purpose of making money. But at least I had made the self-analysis and the survey of vocations to find where I should fit within the realm of business, the ...
glided past my face; the hair of my flesh stood up" (RSV). KJV, NASB, NKJV, RSV, and NIV all have "spirit," in the sense of a ghostly apparition. In each case the context clearly indicates which of the three main meanings is appropriate. In general, we seek to find the ...